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LCF team  plays crucial role in helping to plug gaps for clean environment by conducting awareness campaigns at institutional capacity, and facilitating independent dialogue with civil society to help people live more sustainable lifestyles…

The aim is create awareness among the public on current environmental issues and solutions. Also protecting, the natural resources and entrusting the equitable use of resources.

 Different activities are organized by LCF which involves College and school students along with volunteers from corporates  who helps  in drawing on the energy and determination of citizens to bring about positive change for improving environment.

Through our campaigns children are taught impact of transportation on our climate. to keep unused lights off They are also taught to reduce waste through following activities:

1. Measure your weekly trash output. Make a plan to reduce your family’s waste. 

2. Make a pledge to reduce your plastic use and create an online challenge with your friends.

3. Reduce food waste by reorganizing your fridge.

4. Make your own reusable bag from old t-shirts.

The need is to join forces to fuel collective action, reinforce commitments and drive the desire for change.